Because Only Together We Can

build a world where all youth are well fed


Thank You For Investing

Thank you for investing in the iMap Treasure Valley (iMap TV) feeding program for families that can’t afford the school breakfast and lunch.  I have recapped the work we are doing in this area for you.

A $100.00 Dollar per month investment provides the following Meals:

A Breakfast and Lunch for 1 month for an Elementary, Junior High, or Senior High Student – I.E $2.00 per meal average for Elementary.

Your investment in these children will pay dividends for their life.  I can’t minimize the importance of your donation.  Please understand that you won’t meet, see, or get pictures of these kids.  Be assured, however, that the money you are investing is going to feed children in the Treasure Valley.

The Process:

All of the money received will be sent to the West Ada Education Foundation (WAEF) and will be marked for meals.  I have been assured by Bernadette Sexton, WAEF Director, that all funds received and marked for a specific need will be used to meet that need.  Ex. (There are 80 homeless kids that we know of in the Treasure Valley)  Your donation will help feed these kids.

The principal of the school where the funds are needed petitions the Foundation for those funds.  The petition is then screened and if the amount that the petition is submitted for is agreed upon, the funds, if available, are sent.  iMap is going to help provide those funds as they are invested through it’s ministry.

Breakfast: $1.50/day ($30.00/month)
Reduced: $.30/day ($6.00/month)

Lunch: $2.50/day ($50.00/month)
Reduced: $.40/day ($8.00/month)

Junior High
Breakfast: $1.65/day ($33.00/month)
Reduced: $.30/day ($6.00/month)

Lunch: $3.00/day ($60.00/month)
Reduced: $.40/day ($8.00/month)

Senior High
Breakfast: $1.65/day ($33.00/month)
Reduced: $.30/day ($6.00/month)

Lunch: $3.00/day ($60.00/month)
Reduced: $.40/day ($8.00/month)